Friday, January 13, 2023

Tigers born in 1998

 Note:  Horoscope is applicable to those born between January 28, 1998 and February 15, 1999. If you were born before January 28, 1998, your zodiac sign is the Ox. Please refer to the 2022 zodiac fortune for the Ox born in 1997.


Tigers born in 1998 will turn 25 in 2023. By this year, for the majority of tigers, they will leave the ivory tower and formally invade the real world. At the beginning, they may encounter some problems in the process of work, but as long as the tigers can give full play to their personal intelligence, they will definitely be able to make a lot of money in the workplace. In 2023, for increasing blessings, it is advisable to wear a tiger pattern red agate bracelet.

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In terms of career, the Tigers born in 1998 may get help from the potential new star "Tianyi" in 2023. If they are favored by patrons, they will be very lucky. No matter what problems you encounter at work, the people around you will take the initiative to help. This year, you should talk less and do more in the workplace, and follow your old colleagues to learn theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the workplace. This will help them constantly arm themselves and become more competitive. In 2023, Tiger people will have a better sense of career happiness, so they should wear a tiger pattern lapis lazuli bracelet.


In terms of finances, Tigers born in 1998 are very likely to be transferred to other departments or sent to other cities for business trips in 2023 under the influence of the evil star "Black Moon". In the short term, the Little Tigers may find what they want and have a hard time adapting, but in the long run, they will adapt quickly and their income will of course continue to increase. In terms of consumption, there will not be too many unexpected expenses this year, but people who belong to the tiger should control their personal shopping desires and don't buy too many things indiscriminately. In 2023, women should wear citrine bracelets with yellow tiger pattern, good feng shui and abundant financial resources. For men, it is best to wear a tiger eye and tiger pattern bracelet.

Love and relationship

In terms of relationships, singles this year have the opportunity to meet many new friends of the opposite sex. They are very likely to meet a suitable partner during a trip, business trip or gathering with friends, and have a good romance. Tigers in love are likely to get engaged or married, but conflicts may arise between them in the preparation for these events. Tigers born in 1998 need to control their bad moods and stop yelling at their lovers over trivial matters. Instead, they should show more mutual understanding and tolerance. In 1998, those who belonged to the tiger are advised to wear a rose quartz bracelet with tiger patterns to attract beautiful love or resolve the crisis of love and marriage.

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In terms of health, the health of Tigers born in 1998 will not be very optimistic in 2023. However, under the influence of the evil star "Sick Talisman", you will still suffer from various minor diseases over time. In any case, they should take good care of their health; especially in daily life, they should not ignore some seemingly insignificant things, and maintain a rigorous and regular style of life. In 2023, you can wear a tiger pattern green agate bracelet and be healthy. If you drive frequently, you'd better hang a brass copper pumpkin gourd pendant in the car in 2023 for good luck and safe driving.

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Location: Số 27 To Vinh Dien - Thanh Xuan - Ha Noi - Viet Nam

2023 Chinese Horoscope For Tiger

 The overall luck of the Tigers in 2023 will be very good. You will be blessed by auspicious stars. Especially in terms of wealth, you can get more financial resources and broaden the road to wealth.

2023 Tiger Zodiac: 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998


*Forecast is for 2023 (Year of the Rabbit) from January 22, 2023 to February 9, 2024.

Rating: 4 stars

The overall luck of the Tigers in 2023 will be very good. You will be blessed by auspicious stars. Especially in terms of wealth, being favored by the auspicious star "Ziwei" can help them obtain more financial resources and broaden the road to wealth. At the same time, they will have smooth sailing in their careers, with the help of the promising star "Wu Qu", and the guidance and love of well-meaning people. They should pay more attention to their health, because there will be some minor health problems, especially in the liver.


Rating: 4 stars

The overall fortune of the Tigers in 2023 will be very good. This year, they can get the help of two potential new stars, "Ziwei" and "Tianfu". Your fortune will be very good. The fortune of a full-time career will be particularly good. As long as they are down-to-earth and work hard, their wealth will flourish. For the Tigers who are in business, the net worth in 2023 will be very good. This year, as long as you can work boldly, you will have a major breakthrough in your career, and your wealth will naturally become more and more prosperous. At the same time, if they don't want to suffer financial losses, they should make sure they are vigilant about unwanted happiness in love.If they have too many unwanted romantic encounters, it can negatively affect their financial fortune. In 2023, women should wear yellow tiger yellow citrine bracelets, with good feng shui and abundant financial resources. For men, it is best to wear a tiger eye and tiger pattern bracelet.


Rating: 4 stars

Tigers will have a good career fortune in 2023. With the help of the auspicious star "Wuqu", they can get guidance and help from customers, and their career will be improved to a higher level. Although your career may develop very well in 2023, you still need to be cautious and reserved, don't be flashy at work, and don't get involved with villains. Otherwise, it will have a major impact on their careers. To improve career luck in 2023, it is advisable to wear a tiger pattern lapis lazuli bracelet.

Love and relationship

Rating: 4 stars

In 2023, the love fortune of the Tiger people is good. Single Tigers can use the help of the "Greedy Wolf" star to give full play to their personal charm, and they can also easily get rid of the status of single Tigers. 2023 will be a year full of charm, but they still have to face it and beware of unexpected encounters. If you don’t pay attention to the other half’s character and behavior in the process of choosing a mate, it may affect your own fortune in all aspects, and you will be hurt in your relationship and love. smoothly. In 2023, it is recommended to wear a tiger pattern rose quartz bracelet to attract beautiful love or resolve the crisis of love and marriage.


Rating: 4 stars

Tiger's overall health in 2023 will be good. You will be healthy and healthy this year without any serious illness. However, in 2023, they will be affected by the evil star "Heavenly Star". So this year, there will be some minor health issues, especially her liver, that should be taken care of. Also pay attention to rest and sleep, and be careful not to stay up late every day. Otherwise, it will have a major adverse effect on their liver. At the same time, pay special attention to diet and quit the bad habit of smoking and drinking. In 2023, tiger green agate bracelets can be worn to maintain health. If you drive often, you'd better hang a brass copper pumpkin gourd pendant in the car in 2023 for good luck and safe driving.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Year of the Cat: Vietnamese Zodiac Sign Predictions For 2023

 Year of the Cat: Vietnamese Zodiac Sign Predictions For 2023

According to the Oriental zodiac, also known as the "Zodiac", we are all assigned a powerful animal - the "Shu Xiang" - based on the year we were born, based on the lunar calendar, which is closely connected with oriental philosophy.

According to legend, the Jade Emperor, the ruler of the sky, wanted to find a way to measure time. So he organized a race and challenged all the animals to cross the vast river. The top 12 will not only have a place in the calendar and zodiac, but also the guardians of his heavenly realm.

These 12 animals thus represent the cycle of the Oriental zodiac - Rat, Ox, Tiger, Cat, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

Year of the Cat 2023

The Year of the Cat is a year in which past sacrifices pay off handsomely. All the seeds of effort we sow will eventually bear fruit whose sweetness depends on the purity of our heart's intentions. Gamblers and stockbrokers will find extra "luck" this year, as the Year of the Cat is a rewarding one for those willing to take the risk. Since the Cat is also a symbol of fertility, this is a good year not only for starting a new business, but also for those who want to have children, as well as for artists to find inspiration and break new ground.

Let's see what the Year of the Cat holds according to your zodiac sign.

Vietnamese zodiac sign: Predictions for 2023


1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

The Year of the Cat is a difficult year for those born in the Year of the Rat. This is the year to focus on hard work and focused effort. Ignore the naysayers and those who don't have the guts to tell you to your face that they are yelling behind your back. If you keep your eye on the prize, nothing and no one can stop you from achieving greatness. Just make sure you don't compromise your physical and mental health while pursuing your ambitions.

Lucky colors: blue, gold and green.

Lucky number: 3

Lucky day: Saturday

Famous mice: King Charles III, Rosa Parks, Dwayne Johnson and Katy Perry

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1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

In the Year of the Cat, everyone who belongs to the Ox is doing well. Many singles may have love luck this year. Coupled people may want to consider taking their relationship to the next level. If you are expecting children, this could be an especially lucky year. Make sure you don't neglect your health. Be vigilant about physical exams and watch your mental health.

Lucky colors: yellow, brown, white, gold and silver.

Lucky number: 10

Lucky day: Thursday

Famous cows: George Clooney, Malala Yousafzai, Sachin Tendulkar and Jane Fonda


1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

For those born in the Year of the Tiger, the Year of the Cat will be a year of balance. It is important for the Tiger to let go of his ego, learn from his mistakes, and examine his own shortcomings. Be sure to thank everyone who has helped you along the way. It is wise to be conservative in spending and investing.

Lucky color: green

Lucky number: 9

Lucky day: Tuesday

Famous Tigers: Marilyn Monroe, Joaquin Phoenix, Jodie Foster and Shawn Mendes

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1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Yes, it's technically "your year," dear Cat, but you have to remember that the moon is never the same. As with many stages, even this year, life will take you through countless twists and turns that can be surprising and confusing at the same time. The most important thing to remember is that you are divinely protected by a greater divine force in the universe. So, instead of fighting them, surrender.

Lucky colors: blue and green

Lucky number: 6

Lucky day: Wednesday

Notable bunnies: Novak Djokovic, Whitney Houston, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.


1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

In terms of career and finances, the Year of the Cat will be very favorable for those born in the Year of the Dragon. Influencers can propel you to greater heights. Many of you may be due special tax breaks or special bonuses or monetary incentives. In terms of relationships, however, this year may put you to the test. Single people are better off focusing on their careers. For those in love, be careful not to let anger get the better of you. A regular meditation practice can be very beneficial.

Lucky color: white

Lucky number: 7

Lucky day: Friday

Famous Dragons: Colin Farrell, Sandra Bullock, Keanu Reeves and Reese Witherspoon


1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

The Year of the Cat can prove to be quite smooth for those born in the Year of the Snake. Many of you may gain approval from supervisors, bosses and people in high positions. Career growth is on the horizon for you, but it will come after you have to prove yourself over and over again. Those who are single may not last long. Those in love, however, be careful not to create conflict over drama and excitement.

Lucky color: yellow

Lucky number: 3

Lucky day: Monday

Famous snakes: Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Robert Downey Jr., and John Cena

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1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

The Year of the Cat can be very difficult for those born in the Year of the Horse. details make a difference. So be careful before attempting bold ventures - especially in your financial sector. Avoid rushing as this can lead you to make stupid mistakes that will undo all your hard work and effort. However, the area of ​​love and romance can prove to be pleasantly and surprisingly prosperous.

Lucky color: red

Lucky number: 5

Lucky day: Sunday

Notable horses: Greta Thunberg, Joe Biden, Kristen Stewart and Barbra Streisand


1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

The Year of the Cat is the Year of the Sheep, and they must walk the practical and pragmatic path if they want to find a sense of balance and harmony in their daily lives. The more you are affected by your emotions, the more you will find yourself drowning in a sea of ​​self-made chaos. A balanced body leads to a balanced mind, so for your own mental harmony, eat a balanced diet and practice the art of moderation. Meditation and breathing work wonders on body, mind and soul.

Lucky colors: orange, red and purple

Lucky number: 8

Lucky day: Wednesday

Notable Sheep: Jason Stratham, Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman and Ed Sheeran


1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

The Year of the Cat can prove to be quite eventful for those born in the Year of the Monkey. Better to stay at work, no matter how boring it gets. Any possible stagnation will only be temporary. Before you know it, things are getting more exciting. The embodiment of the virtue of prudence and restraint can make the fortune of wealth rise steadily. Be sure to follow a healthy routine and maintain a steady sleep cycle for optimal health and overall well-being.

Lucky colors: white, gold, silver.

Lucky number: 9

Lucky day: Friday

Notable apes: Zayin Malik, Kylie Minogue, Tom Hanks, and Selena Gomez


1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

For Rooster people, the Year of the Cat will be quite a challenge. Neither avoid hard work nor take "shortcuts" to achieve your goals this year. Taking shortcuts will only complicate matters and get you into tough questions and arguments. Avoid rash spending and focus more on saving. If you choose to invest your savings, choose the option with the lowest risk.

Lucky colors: yellow, white, gold, silver.

Lucky number: 5

Lucky day: Tuesday

Famous cocks: Serena Williams, Beyoncé, Ariana Grande and Britney Spears


1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

For those born in the Year of the Dog, the Year of the Cat can prove to be comfortable and stable. While your career may take some unexpected turns, rest assured that everything will work out for the best in the end ( boi tinh yêu % ). Single people may find themselves special. Those in a relationship may want to take it to the next level. Those who want children may be in for a whole bunch of adorable delights.

Lucky colors: red, yellow, brown

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky day: Thursday

Famous dogs: Madonna, Cher, Nicki Minaj and Prince William


1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

For those born in the year of the Pig, the Year of the Cat is an auspicious year. Harmonious working relationships with your colleagues and supervisors can facilitate your own advancement up the career ladder. Those who run their own businesses can find new investors, partners, and even new ways to expand. Love and romance will be harmonious, and many of you may experience exciting passions. Just take care of your health and wellbeing.

Lucky colors: black and yellow.

Lucky number: 3

Lucky day: Saturday

Famous for: Chris Hemsworth, Idina Menzel, Mariah Carey and Hilary Clint

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Location: Số 27 To Vinh Dien - Thanh Xuan - Ha Noi - Viet Nam

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